Why CPG?
- FIDUCIARY CARE: Our Investment Advisor Representatives ("IAR's") are held to and abide by the legal standards established by Congress and enforced by the SEC. We are fiduciaries, always acting in the best interests of our clients and above our own, in all aspects of our customer relationships.
- INDEPENDENT: As an independent agency, we are free to offer a full suite of non-proprietary products and services. We are regulated by FINRA, which enforces their standards of integrity and suitability on all customer transactions. We are also monitored by our broker/dealer: Cetera Investment Advisers, LLC, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser, which provides third-party oversight on compliance, and restricts detrimental transactions caused by conflicts of interest.
- INDEPENDENT SAFEGUARDS: Managed investment accounts are held in your name by an independent third-party custodian (Pershing, LLC). The custodian provides independent reporting, insurance, and verification of your accounts. CPG serves as your agent and advisor with these accounts.
- TRANSPARENCY: Some advisors promote fee-only services, and insist that commission-based solutions present an unmanageable conflict of interest. We disagree, and do not endorse limited options. We believe freedom of choice for our clients and informed decisions are critically important. We are committed to education, transparency, full disclosure of fees, and an independent, non-proprietary platform in order to provide suitable solutions, and truly protect the interests of our clients.
- DIVERSITY: Today’s planning solutions are as complex as the individuals for whom we plan. Our firm welcomes multi-ethnic and non-traditional families for whom estate planning and tax rules change often. Our goal is to relate to our diverse clientele and understand the special situations that can affect their long-term planning.
- PERSONAL SERVICE: Every one of our clients is worthy of our time, attention, specialized knowledge, and courtesy regardless of the size of their accounts. We are dedicated to getting to know you, remaining accessible and in-touch, and responding to you in a timely manner.
- EXPERIENCED ADVICE: We leverage the extensive knowledge of our advisory team and related professionals to provide our clients with quality service. Our advisors seek continuous education and certification in topics pertinent to our practice and our areas of specialty.